How to RDP machine "C" from machine "A" when machine "B" is in the middle


Ok, I'm working on a rather complex network arrangement so I'll try my best to be clear. There are 3 PCs: A, B and C.

A: Ubuntu 12.04, the one on my desk: it's part of an intranet 125.1.x.x/16

B: Windows XP, a remote PC which has 2 NICs, NIC#1: 125.1.x.x/16, NIC#2: 192.168.7.x/24

C: Windows server 2008, a remote PC in the network 192.168.7.x/24

A "sees" B but not C; B "sees" both A and C; C "sees" B but not A;

Now to the challenge: I need to RDP (remote desktop) C from A.

What I do right now is RDP B, and from inside B, RDP C. So I have a remote connection within a remote connection. The problem is that I need to work on both B and C simultaneously, so I rather have both RDP windows separately, and not C confined within the boundaries of the B screen.

I hope I've been clear.

What I tried so far: -In A: add a static route to network with gateway 125.1.b.b -In B: turn to "1" the "IPEnableRouter" registry entry (HKLM/System/"CCS"/Services/TCPIP/Parameters/)

No success.

M. Suscripto

Posted 2015-04-16T13:09:07.020

Reputation: 111

I think you are probably on the right tracks with your routes, are you able to ping C from A? Can your run route print and add to your question? – CharlesH – 2015-04-16T13:14:12.123

Thanks Charles, I already solved the problem using Eugen's solution. For the record only: I wasn't able to ping C from A, the route was rightfully added, I verified that. The problem was probably in B (XP) which wasnt forwarding packets coming from NIC#1 to NIC#2 for some reason. – M. Suscripto – 2015-04-16T14:58:28.047



Use a port forwarder on B, that forwards e.g. Port 125.1.x.y:3390 on B to 192.168.7.y:3389 on C.

From A now if you connect

  • to B on standard port 3389, you will get Desktop B
  • to B on port 3390, you will get Desktop C


Why? Because you want to

  • neither mess around with the routing, creating potentially unwanted side effects or even security risks
  • nor use XP as a router (while as a port proxy might be fine)

Eugen Rieck

Posted 2015-04-16T13:09:07.020

Reputation: 15 128

That sounds good! Thanks. Can you recommend some freeware port forwarding? Be aware I ve no access to any router, so the forwarding you suggest MUST rely entirely on software within machine B. – M. Suscripto – 2015-04-16T13:35:32.417

Take a look at

– Eugen Rieck – 2015-04-16T13:57:31.347

Eugen, you're THE MAN! It worked just as expected. Many thanks! – M. Suscripto – 2015-04-16T14:46:50.637