how to determine which side causes the intermittent ping failure



Recently co-workers have been experiencing random connection drop problem with one of the servers. If I ping the server 10 times in a row from my windows client machine, I can see quite a few of them fail to get reply back. At this moment I am trying to decide if the problem is in the network between the server and the client machines or in the server itself. My question is, if I can always successfully ping the IP of the server from the server itself, can I say that the cause of the intermittent ping failure from other computers is likely in the network and not in my server?

Lando Gates

Posted 2015-04-16T06:14:48.597

Reputation: 21

Check speed and duplex of the server interface, its values must be the same of the switch port it is connected. A combination of half-duplex and full-duplex usually cause that behavior. If they are set to auto detect or something related, force them to a value just to be sure they are locked on the same parameters. – jcbermu – 2015-04-17T08:02:09.220



One of tool I really like in windows is the tool named pathping. In should serve you well for this, as it pings each step along the way, and if there is routing involved, it should nail down the source of the problem.

Try this:

From working machine:

pathping -n server
pathping -n dodgymachine

From dodgy machine:

pathping -n server
pathping -n workingmachine

From server:

pathping -n dodgymachine
pathping -n workingmachine

(of course, substitute dodgymachine, workingmachine, and server with the actual IPs. I've included the -n switch, as doing lookups is probably not necessary).

Yes, there is some redundancy with running them both ways between all of those nodes, but being thorough never hurt anyone[citation needed].

What it does is basically the same thing, but it does so for any hops in between over some time (usually 10 minutes, if I remember correctly), and builds some statistics. If you run all of the above, you should be able to compare results.


Posted 2015-04-16T06:14:48.597

Reputation: 5 155