My computer has several conflicting IRQs, which I think may be causing some instability in the system. I would like to reassign the conflicting IRQs to unused slots. However, when I open a device's properties from Device Manager and go to its Resources tab, the option to "Use automatic settings" is disabled/grayed out. Is there another way that I can change the IRQ assignments? I am using Windows XP-64 Pro. Thanks.
Here's a link to a screen capture of my Device Manager showing the current IRQ assignments: http://attachments.techguy.org/attachments/162339d1262368313/device-manager-irqs.jpg
– Jim Fell – 2010-01-01T17:57:38.203About 25% to 75% of the time when I boot my computer, it blue-screens (http://attachments.techguy.org/attachments/162503d1262669945/img_0672-cropped.jpg). There are also other times when the computer seems to lockup, sometime after booting, for no apparent reason, which, just as hunch, I think is related to the first issue. The Event Viewer shows only DCOM errors, which, as I understand, doesn't mean anything.
– Jim Fell – 2010-01-05T05:42:09.020