Subinterface in Windows



Does anybody know how to add a network subinterface in Windows? Something like eth0:1 in Linux.


Posted 2009-12-25T22:14:49.373




Like a second virtual adapter? of course. Since you haven't specified your version of Windows, I'll tell you the XP way. The only difference in configuration between XP and newer versions is how to get to your network connections, but I assume you know how to do that :)

  • Right click on your connection in Network Connections and go to Properties, you will see a dialog like this:

alt text

  • Ensure Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is selected, and hit properties as shown above.
  • If you aren't already using static addressing, grab your current network info from the command prompt using ipconfig /all and substitute it into this dialog:

alt text

  • After you've filled in all the details, click the Advanced button at the bottom of the dialog shown above
  • Near the top, under IP Addresses, click Add and specify the details of the new virtual interface in the dialog that pops up:

alt text

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  • Click OK on all windows, and you've got yourself a second IP bound to your network adapter!

John T

Posted 2009-12-25T22:14:49.373

Reputation: 149 037

This does bind a second IP address to a given interface, but it does not appear to create a subinterface to do so. It appears that Windows does not support subinterfaces as such, but simply supports a different way of having multiple IP Addresses for a single NIC. – Eddie – 2013-01-30T23:28:49.003


I tried this, but one virtual interface is supposed to use DHCP and if I enable DHCP I cannot add more static IPs. Also I don't think it will support routing between these networks (I'm not sure of this, but I am going to try now).


Posted 2009-12-25T22:14:49.373
