Using a date in the Value field of a pivot table


I have a "raw data" spreadsheet with hundreds of different contracts in it. Each contract has a different contract end date (among dozens of other data points). I am trying to run a pivot off of the contract name (in the row column) and put the date in the value field. I am planning to put conditional formatting on the cell to alert us once we get within 30 days of the contract end. Why can't I put a date in the value field? Is there a workaround?


Posted 2015-02-06T19:35:29.240

Reputation: 1

2Pivot tables are not designed for data entry, rather it is a tool to summarize your existing data. So, you can't enter a date into the value field. I know you can't post an image here yet, but if you could upload a screenshot to a file share service and post a link would be very helpful to see what you are doing so we can try to help you. – CharlieRB – 2015-02-06T21:23:01.070

If I understand what you're trying to do, then you could just put the contract end date as the last row label and it would work. You can still apply conditional formatting. – Engineer Toast – 2015-02-06T21:27:18.343

Does your raw data include more than one record per contract? Do you want to return the latest date for each contract? Otherwise, I'm having a hard time understanding why you'd want to use a pivot table to do this. – Excellll – 2015-02-06T21:31:03.510

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