Highlight bash output in iTerm 2?


I've followed the instructions for installing Solarized on iTerm 2, on my new OSX Yosemite machine. It looks as though the background and basic colours are being applied, and $TERM produces xterm-256color.

However, everything is very monochrome. How can I get iTerm to highlight the output in a more helpful way?

enter image description here


Posted 2015-01-06T18:14:08.387

Reputation: 419

what do you expect to be colorized? try ls -G. It seems that solarized is a set of color schemes. IT doesn't make your commands do colorization. You may need to check your vim settings as well – Rich Homolka – 2015-01-06T23:03:48.677

I was hoping that the details of ls -al would be colorized in a useful way. I've followed the instructions for setting up Solarized with vim here: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/vim-colors-solarized - I now have nice colours in vim, but I still have a very monochrome GUI.

– Richard – 2015-01-07T07:15:45.633

I think the section "IMPORTANT NOTE FOR TERMINAL USERS" on http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/vim-colors-solarized might be relevant ("If you are going to use Solarized in Terminal mode...") but I can't understand what it's asking me to do.

– Richard – 2015-01-07T07:17:12.543

This may also be relevant, as it's how I installed solarized: https://github.com/altercation/solarized/tree/master/iterm2-colors-solarized

– Richard – 2015-01-07T07:20:46.170

As I said before, You need to add the G flag (on Mac OS X) for it to colonize. – Rich Homolka – 2015-01-08T00:24:36.467

I use in my .bashrc the following alias: alias ls="/bin/ls --color -lF" – F. Hauri – 2015-03-19T12:54:37.797

@F.Hauri why are you specifying the path to ls? That should be in your PATH. And the --color option is for GNU ls. For the builtin BSD ls, ls -lGF should be used – Max Coplan – 2018-11-28T18:59:11.837

@MaxCoplan to prevent use of previously defined alias or function. By spefifying the path, I ensure /bin/ls and nothing else, will be used. – F. Hauri – 2018-11-29T23:00:13.830

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