Accessing wireless devices through wired connection



Im confused, because if i do the command: "nmap -sS -O" i get a list of all the wireless devices as well as wired. I can also run a webserver on my wired connection and it can be accessed by all the wireless devices. Now my question is, why cant I get results of arp poisoning from wireless devices. I setup a Man in the Middle attack using sslstrip and targeting wireless devices doesnt give me a response.


Posted 2015-01-02T03:26:56.267

Reputation: 11

I have had better luck testing ARP Poisoning against my local network with wired connections. – Jeff Clayton – 2015-01-02T03:49:08.670

1if you're in the security industry or sufficiently expert, then perhaps you might be able to ask on – barlop – 2015-01-02T07:38:09.523

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