Enumerating and connecting to named pipes


In windows Named pipes are available for IPC (interprocess communication) and are used both locally and remotely, Access to the remote named pipe contained in IPC$ share is done via SMB protocol,How do i Enumerate all Named pipes in system and how do i connect to named pipe contained in IPC$ share ?

some default Named pipes in Windows

  1. COMNAP :- SNABase named pipe. Systems network Architecture (SNA) is a collection of network protocols that were originally developed for IBM mainframe computers.

  2. COMNODE :-SNA Server named pipe.

  3. SQL\QUERY :- Default named pipe for SQL Server.

  4. SPOOLSS :- Named pipe for the Print Spooler service. etc


Posted 2015-01-01T08:26:47.087

Reputation: 194

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