Cygwin (and Putty) special keys not working


TL;DR: Cygwin sends like 3D instead of alt+arrow and such.

I've been using Cygwin for years now to ssh into my server.

I'm always struggling with GNU Screen's uncomfortable window handling and a few weeks ago I decided to look after how to switch easily. I found a .screenrc example and it set alt+arrow for switching. Somehow it did not work as expected. Occasionally (like 99% of the time) it didn't send (?) the proper key combination, but 3D and 3C. It's the same for every F keys (F1-F12), they become ~. And not only in Screen or while using SSH, but in a normal local Cygwin window as well.

I tried it in Win 7 and 8.1 and 3 PC's and also tried to change the input language in Windows from Hungarian to English, but it was the same. I even tried it in Putty, almost the same, but it sends [D.

Of course, it works in Linux terminal.

What can I do now? I didn't find anything related to this that works and I'd appreciate any help. :)

Martin Fejes

Posted 2014-12-10T13:11:55.877

Reputation: 262

I never used Cygwin, but for Putty you should look take a look at settings under Terminal->Keyboard. I don't have a Windows box handy at the moment, but I believe that you should set Function keys to xterm. – Enbyted – 2015-02-01T09:21:12.030

Also see this question

– Enbyted – 2015-02-01T09:24:06.853

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