Windows 7, quick lauch on task bar placed left


I have to move to Windows 7 from XP. I'm used to launch applications from quick launch in task bar. So, to be able to have several icons in quick launch, I placed task bar at left in XP. That's how it looks like in XP:

Now, I'm trying to do the same in Windows 7, but it only allows one icon per row (instead of three or more, depending on width of taskbar, in XP):

Is there a way to achieve same behavior in Windows 7?


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 135



Your QuickLaunch is not really QuickLaunch. You have icons pinned to Task Bar.

I have something like this when I move bar to left:

enter image description here

This is how I enabled normal Quick Launch: Microsoft Support link

I also unpinned all icons from taskbar and changed many options in taskbar properties. Now it acts just like XP taskbar.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 2 524

Did not know the concept of pinned icons. That is what I've been looking for. Nice xD – Albert – 10 years ago


It doesn't appear that is possible. However, you're not the first to ask for that. There appears to be a work around that provides something similar.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 642

Although it's discouraged: Thanks. I really googled, but I wasn't able to figure out the appropriated way to ask. – Albert – 10 years ago

I think you missunderstood question. It is possible to add Quick Launch to Windows 7 and it acts like Quick Launch in XP. See my answer. – Kamil – 10 years ago