Bittorrent Sync upload/download rate limit not working


I am happily using BitTorrent Sync but I can't limit its upload/download rate.

If I click on the Preferences Gear --> Advanced I can set "Limit receiving rate" and "Limit sending rate".

I do this, restart the program and nothing happens: it keeps on downloading eating the whole bandwidth...

I use it on Windows Server 2008.

What can I do to solve the problem?


Posted 2014-11-24T10:19:29.443

Reputation: 1 766

Are you syncing on your local network? At least on the Linux implementations, btsync does not enforce rate limiting by default on LAN. – Chris Laplante – 2015-01-11T04:42:30.590



If on the same network, check that the "rate_limit_local_peers" is set to true.

This applies speed limits to the peers in local network. By default the limits are not applied in LAN.

The setting for windows is under prefernces -> advanced tab -> more options.

enter image description here


Posted 2014-11-24T10:19:29.443

Reputation: 117

This really isn't worthy of a full answer, so can you expand upon this? If not, consider deleting this answer and reposting this as a comment to the question. – bwDraco – 2015-03-24T01:21:25.793

I don't have that parameter in the gui – Pitto – 2015-03-24T11:25:56.120

@Pitto I version2.x GUI I have to goto into settings -> advanced -> more options. In the linux version I have to enable it in the configuration file. Are you syncing two machines on the same network though? – Matt. – 2015-03-25T04:07:50.110


As Matt answered (I really dont understand why he was downvoted), the solution of this question is set the rate_limit_local_peers variable to true in Advanced Preference tab as showed below. By default, btsync behavior not limits bandwidth consume for local sync. For more information, see and control+F for rate_limit_local_peers


Posted 2014-11-24T10:19:29.443

Reputation: 111