Re-open Putty Config on Connection Close


I have been using putty on Windows 8.1 for some time now. There is only one problem I have with it. Is it possible to have the configuration Window open up again when a connection fails or exits without restarting the program again?(it gets annoying after a while...) I have searched through all of the settings and found no success however, I have heard that it can be done. Perhaps, I am simply missing something or maybe just crazy.

Has anyone configured this successfully?


Posted 2014-11-19T21:10:32.203

Reputation: 93



When a connection is ended or fails (notice the "inactive" in the title bar), a new menu option appears in the window menu "Restart Session". This will reconnect the session.



Posted 2014-11-19T21:10:32.203

Reputation: 54 755

1Close enough I guess...I was hoping there was a way to have Putty start a new session if connection was lost or went inactive without having to go through menus manually. – user3267976 – 2014-12-01T17:05:08.157


Another workaround, as there is still no real solution:

  • For your connection, in the Session window, configure "Close window on exit > Never"
  • In the session window, select from the menu the "New session..." menu item. This will bring back main window of putty


Posted 2014-11-19T21:10:32.203

Reputation: 131

This is a reasonable solution. I'm just sick and tired of the Putty Config window closing on a successful connection. If I want a simultaneous connection elsewhere, I have to invoke the Putty Config again, or use your method. I'm really suprised there isn't a simple option to keep Putty Config window open at all times. Thanks for your workaround. – Fiddy Bux – 2019-01-12T22:06:04.440


KiTTY is a forked version of PuTTY with more features, and it will let you keep the config window open at all times. It has the standard "Open" button that will launch a session and close the config, and also a "Start" button that will launch a session while keeping the config window open.

It also has the ability to automatically reconnect on disconnects. (Config > Connection > Reconnect Options > "Attempt to reconnect on connection failure").

You can change the delay for reconnect attempts in the kitty.ini file if you're using the portable version. For example ReconnectDelay=10 for a 10 second delay before attempting to reconnect. (By default the ini file has the line #ReconnectDelay=5, make sure to delete the # character from the beginning of the line for it to actually apply your changes.) (free / open source)

There are also a lot of other forks and alternatives that offer tabbed sessions, and an always-open session list on the side, if quick-opening of sessions is what you're looking for:

(MobaXterm, MTPuTTY, SuperPuTTY, etc).

And there are more with other features:

(ExtraPuTTY has a slightly different auto-reconnect & optional scripting with Lua, RuTTY has basic scripting--also included in KiTTY, MobaXterm and ConEmu can open tabs with other sessions like Windows Command prompt / cmd, Bitvise SSH Client has a nice interface, etc)

I was messing around with MobaXterm some more and it has a nice way to reconnect, you just press R. I can semi-automate it with the built-in macro tools too. And the MultiExec feature is cool cuz if I have multiple PuTTY tabs open, I can send commands to all of them at the same time (including restarting the session).

It seems to have a hard time saving session settings though. I often have to manually pick the COM port when I launch a saved session, unless the COM port is already active before I open MobaXterm (and the setting hasn't been lost already).


Posted 2014-11-19T21:10:32.203

Reputation: 151

1Thank you for the help! This isn't really an ongoing issue obviously but take an upvote anyway for the nostalgia trip you just gave me. I totally forgot about asking this question!

If I remember right I have tried it out before in the past. I'll have to go check out KiTTY again. – user3267976 – 2019-02-19T18:22:31.123