How to create a simple reverse proxy exposing multiple services under single port


The common problem with microservices is that developing them can be cumbersome if you use AJAX and try to read input from multiuple hosts/ports (due to cross domain requests).

I am looking for a very simple solution that would work with linux (preferably using python or socat) where I can chain few hosts/ports under a single port.

host1:port1/service1 and host2:port2/service2 ... -> localhost:port

All remote hosts/ports can be accessed from the same localhost:port.

The requests should be forwarded based on the paths:

localhost:port/service1 -> host1:port1/service1 
localhost:port/service2 -> host2:port2/service2


Posted 2014-11-05T15:31:17.463

Reputation: 166



a http reverse proxy will do , like this apache config with mod_proxy enabled .

Listen port
ProxyPass /service1 http://host1:port1/service1
ProxyPass /service2 http://host1:port1/service2

dispatching localhost:port/service1 and localhost:port/service2 involves knowledge of http protocol . the service is not distinguished on the tcp layer , but a http get request . i am not aware of that socat can handle this .


Posted 2014-11-05T15:31:17.463

Reputation: 383