Can ping but can't access certain site


I'm having problem with accessing certain website and I do not have any clue where to check.

I'm trying to access, and this is the error message -

This page can't be displayed. Contact support for additional information.
The incident ID is: N/A.

I can access or another website just fine. Another thing is, I'm trying to ping and I can ping it.

After ping, I'm trying to access with IP Address in the browser, but it still show the error message.

I have tried using Google Chrome and firefox for the browser, and it still the same. What can I do to 'unblock' it?

Irwan Lynnfield

Posted 2014-10-30T05:02:26.153

Reputation: 21

I don't know much about networking either, but I'd start by opening Notepad as an Administrator, add to the bottom of your hosts file ( is what I get when I ping the site) C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts, close Firefox entirely (this will prevent cached hostfile records from being used), re-open Firefox, and try to access again. If it works perhaps you have a DNS issue, if it doesn't then perhaps it's an issue with your computer (eg: a Firewall rule). REVERT the changes to your hosts file when done. – Robin Hood – 2014-10-30T06:16:32.747

Go into safe mode with networking and try and access the site from there. That will narrow down a lot of things in windows potentially blocking you. – m.i – 2014-10-30T08:08:44.377

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