I bought a PS3 a few days ago and wanted to know is it necessary to forward ports on my router for the PS3? I don't know much about PS3 networking so please let me know what information you would need and I'll provide it.
EDIT: What made me wonder was the fact that everywhere I look everyone says you should forward ports for your Bittorrent client. I've never had a problem using uTorrent without forwarding ports but I do it anyways. I don't have a problem using my PS3 online but didn't know if it would improve my connection or help in some unknown way.
1Just because an exploit for a PS3 doesn't exist doesn't mean it can't. It is a network enabled device, and exposing it needlessly is a risk. It's probably a very small risk, but a risk all the same, there is no benefit to doing this if your router has UPnP and if it has a DMZ setting, it most likely has a UPnP setting. – MDMarra – 15 years ago