Cannot connect with remote dekstop to my win8.1 PRO desktop


I have a desktop computer running Windows 8.1, I upgraded it from the regular version to the PRO version so I can use the Remote Desktop feature (as host). But no matter what I can't connect to it from my laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium edition. Even when I connect both to the same local network at my home I still can't connect. I tried to use the computer's name and it's internal IP address (when accessing it from the same local network of course) but it always throws the same error. When I try to connect from outside the local network I use the public IP address and I forwarded the needed ports, but no matter what I get the same error.

The error:

enter image description here


I did choose "Allow computers to connect to this computer" in the Remote Settings.


After intensive reading, I found out that the TermService is the main service behind the Remote Desktop. Looking at my Win8.1 Pro system, I saw that this service failed to start, when atteping to start it manually I get this:

enter image description here

Also, notice the description of the service...

I'm currently trying to find a fix for that hoping it will resolve my intial issue. Can it be the cause for the problem? If it is, how can I fix that?


Posted 2014-10-05T06:35:22.277

Reputation: 111

Error 0xc1 maps to ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT - which means that something is wrong with TermService. Did you update from 32bit to 64 bit by any chance? – cdavid – 2014-10-06T17:59:24.037

Also, you might want to take a look in ''eventvwr.exe'' -> under Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> TerminalServices* and Remote* to see if any logs show up with details about the failure to start. – cdavid – 2014-10-06T18:02:23.497

@cdavid I had the 64bit version from the beginning, I've never installed a 32bit copy in this computer. And I looked around in the log files generated by the Window's System File Checker Tool and found out that termsrv.dll located at C:/Windows/System32 is corrupted and it was unable to fix it. Is there any way I can get a wroking copy of this file? – UnTraDe – 2014-10-12T07:59:29.973

I would suggest getting it from another good, running computer with the same OS / arch installed. Make sure on the other computer you disable the service first (otherwise it will not let you copy), copy the file, reenable the service. – cdavid – 2014-10-12T19:14:27.900

@cdavid It won't let me replace it because of owner permissions or seomthing – UnTraDe – 2014-10-13T13:35:37.097



It could be because you're not authorised to connect to your Win8.1 PC.

In addition to checking the Allow computers to connect to this computer, you also have to choose which users are allowed to connect to it.

In your Windows 8.1 computer:

enter image description here

Under Select Users>Remote Desktop Users to add a user. For example, if I wanted to connect to my Win8.1 Pro from Win7, and I had a Microsoft account user on my Win8.1 computer, I would click Add and type in So when I want to connect to Win8.1 from Win7, I would use the credentials (abcd email + password) to connect:


It seems that Microsoft has a solution for your exact same situation here. Try following the steps there.

Also see here too.

Rsya Studios

Posted 2014-10-05T06:35:22.277

Reputation: 3 160

It does not allow me to connect with a username like that (Maybe because I'm currently trying to connect from outside of my local network?) But anyway, shouldn't I be able to connect with an IP and be prompt with entering credentials? – UnTraDe – 2014-10-05T09:11:58.143

I updated my question with more information, maybe you'll have an idea on how to solve this from there? – UnTraDe – 2014-10-05T10:35:20.000