Cannot connect to local mumble server


I am struggeling to setup my own local mumble server.


  • Windows 8

  • Mumble 1.3.0 Snapshot

  • Mumur 1.3.0 Snapshot

What I have done so far:

  • Installed and configured mumur (mumble server) with the murmur.ini

  • Opened Port 64738 in my Fritzbox router for UDP and TCP (each from 64738 to 64738 at port 64738)

  • Tested the opened port with -> Successful

  • Allowed mumble in windows firewall

  • Started the mumble server and the client both with admin rights to be sure

  • Tried to connect with my local(, my intra(192.168...) and my Internet-IP(79.224...) -> all without success

  • Friend tried to connect from outside the network with my internetip -> no success

I am getting the following error in my serverlog:

<W>2014-09-23 18:47:46.543 MurmurIce: Endpoint "tcp -h -p 6502" running
<W>2014-09-23 18:47:46.543 Murmur 1.3.0 (1.3.0~384~g916dcc0~snapshot) running on WinX64: Windows 8 x64 - 6.2.9200: Booting servers
<W>2014-09-23 18:47:46.558 1 => Server listening on [::]:64738
<W>2014-09-23 18:47:46.574 1 => Server listening on
<W>2014-09-23 18:47:46.590 1 => Failed to bind UDP Socket to
<W>2014-09-23 18:47:46.590 Bonjour: Failed to load dnssd.dll
<W>2014-09-23 18:47:46.605 1 => Not registering server as public

Using netstat -ano | find ":64738" I get:

  TCP              ABHÖREN         1304
  TCP    [::]:64738             [::]:0                 ABHÖREN         1304
  TCP    [::]:64738             [::]:0                 ABHÖREN         1304
  UDP    [::]:64738             *:*                                    1304

Any ideas are appreciated!

This issue has been fixed by using the older 1.2.8 stable version!


Posted 2014-09-23T17:24:11.250

Reputation: 323

"Failed to bind UDP Socket to" - Anything else using that port? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2014-09-23T17:39:30.073

Not that I am aware of. is there a way to find out? using netstat -ano | find ":64738" does find 3 TCP and 1 UDP ports. If I close mumble and mumur those entries go too. – Wandang – 2014-09-23T18:14:10.130



I just reinstalled mumble. This time I used the stable 1.2.8 stable. This immediately worked!


Posted 2014-09-23T17:24:11.250

Reputation: 323