Tag: awk

81 Removing ANSI color codes from text stream 2012-01-21T01:01:15.247

75 How to get video duration in seconds? 2013-09-25T19:35:33.800

39 awk, mawk, nawk, gawk... WHAT? 2009-11-27T09:49:47.423

37 sed: how to replace line if found or append to end of file if not found? 2013-05-02T14:49:31.580

22 How to get the pid of a running process using a single command that parse the output of ps? 2012-05-23T17:25:38.130

15 How can I make a table of contents for a markdown document with Python/AWK/SED? 2009-07-25T20:58:44.863

15 replace nth occurence of string in each line of a text file 2010-05-20T16:12:18.727

12 Filtering top command output 2011-05-10T01:15:55.593

12 How can I identify non-ASCII characters from the shell? 2012-04-26T18:59:27.387

12 How can I find my awk version? 2013-09-18T08:43:05.497

11 Awk doesn't work when inside double quotes 2010-08-20T18:13:43.133

11 How to use awk separator of single quote? 2012-09-06T14:24:32.397

11 Randomly shuffle rows in a large text file 2014-05-30T16:05:01.457

10 How to pipe awk output (with periodic, continuous input) to output file? 2012-01-16T19:19:16.780

9 Counting occurrences in first column of a file 2012-12-20T07:10:21.903

9 How can I cat/print a file except the last 2 lines? 2013-01-16T09:11:44.840

8 Piping tail -f into awk 2014-04-16T01:35:07.687

7 SQL like group by and sum for text files in command line? 2010-05-02T04:25:57.190

7 Joining text files with 600M+ lines 2010-05-26T19:29:10.260

7 Using awk to split text file every 10,000 lines 2012-10-08T20:59:11.933

7 Print line X lines before/after found line 2013-12-14T10:25:26.603

6 Print back-reference in regular expression 2012-03-16T21:18:51.633

6 AWK Equivalent Functionality on Windows 2012-12-27T15:48:38.467

6 stdbuf not working while unbuffer does 2014-04-15T19:03:47.807

6 Using ' (' (space followed by parenthesis) as field separator in awk 2015-06-01T17:52:41.637

5 How to split binary file based on pattern? 2010-08-10T19:19:51.400

5 awk + print all line content except $1 2010-11-21T12:21:59.267

5 how to limit find command's output used with option -print0 2012-03-05T16:00:00.123

5 Inserting string from xargs into another string 2012-03-16T20:34:23.873

5 Search for files with more than one term (grep, awk?) 2012-07-11T12:18:47.437

5 awk - awk concatenate string variable 2015-08-31T07:43:52.663

5 Rename CSV header using command line tools 2016-01-15T10:31:00.433

5 How to chain awk print statements? 2018-01-14T03:22:27.837

4 error when using commandline as a bash alias on linux 2009-09-26T23:15:45.790

4 grepping a substring from a grep result 2010-04-09T01:18:27.530

4 How can I zero pad a particular field in a text file? 2010-10-25T14:00:33.220

4 How can I insert a line in the middle of a file, with awk, given a search pattern to insert AFTER or BEFORE 2010-11-10T15:24:19.480

4 Reading output of shell command in awk script 2011-01-07T16:03:39.207

4 how to move around files using "ls -al" result in Linux? 2011-05-26T21:40:34.637

4 Unix one-liner to quote all words on a line 2011-09-20T00:50:11.287

4 awk match whole word 2011-10-21T15:52:40.570

4 "No such file or directory" for /bin/awk on Ubuntu 2012-01-15T15:29:21.847

4 Pipe output of awk to kill -9 2012-03-15T17:13:46.533

4 How to split a text file into multiple text files 2012-08-25T22:00:22.493

4 How do I parse file paths separated by a space in a string? 2012-09-18T00:10:15.823

4 Using grep to display second character in string? 2012-11-15T16:58:06.237

4 Grep the whole body of a function 2012-11-27T22:34:29.143

4 Output numbers from a file in a different order 2012-12-19T19:35:14.823

4 sudo to kill output of ps, awk, xargs 2013-01-11T21:57:10.850

4 Using grep to remove lines from a file which contain a string from another file 2013-05-10T18:40:41.253

4 using awk with find -exec 2013-12-18T13:44:09.760

4 Turn comma-separate rows into 1 column 2014-09-04T16:08:51.527

4 writing an AWK command 2014-09-06T09:02:16.633

4 Replace Line Breaks on matching lines, using AWK 2014-10-03T23:02:02.790

4 linux - replace all double newlines with a space 2015-10-03T15:57:52.347

4 Remove non-duplicate lines in Linux 2016-08-02T05:56:44.400

3 Increment one value in a text line, using script 2010-10-11T08:07:48.637

3 Passing a shell script variable into an AWK command 2010-10-27T08:29:26.557

3 awk + print from the third field until end of line each word with one space 2010-11-16T13:35:48.143

3 why can awk function called without parentheses 2011-05-29T10:01:02.450

3 determine start of file when passing multipe files to awk 2011-09-30T19:14:13.223

3 How to pass bash variables (passwords) to IRSSI config file? 2012-01-09T17:33:06.537

3 Is it possible to change the default field separator in awk? 2012-02-15T11:04:54.940

3 How to remove lines from large text file using bash 2012-03-10T02:02:06.563

3 unix command to verify span of word in text 2012-06-27T02:14:15.613

3 Grep, find line with minimum x words 2012-09-05T10:45:12.743

3 Parse by Control Characters 2012-11-11T15:57:37.370

3 ash scripting: space-containing variable refuses to be grepped 2012-12-02T22:37:22.410

3 output the items that showed up 2 times and more 2013-03-10T20:21:02.387

3 extract string from file using shell script or awk 2013-04-18T09:56:14.323

3 Need to sed awk or grep output to extract strings 2013-06-15T12:26:08.070

3 How can I sort and de-dupe a very long list of words? 2013-08-31T12:25:10.383

3 Round off the decimal value in awk 2013-10-09T14:02:18.370

3 How to comment out multiple line matching a regex using sed or awk 2014-02-07T17:19:38.937

3 Exclude lines based on long list of line numbers 2014-06-11T17:59:21.840

3 Extract version string from filename 2015-06-09T02:34:45.673

3 How can I replace a newline with its escape sequence? 2015-08-12T13:34:42.417

3 How to add # Shebang in first line of a file which is an auto create script by another program 2015-10-27T10:07:35.837

3 How to find files within a size range? 2015-12-18T08:31:19.520

3 file splitting and compression in pipeline 2016-01-23T08:35:57.153

3 Parse df output by columns 2017-02-28T02:20:24.017

3 Using sed to compact JSON arrays 2017-07-28T17:01:37.580

3 Add specific text in every blank line 2018-04-13T07:02:20.753

3 How to get a specific string value from an Apple System profiler SPHardwareDataType 2018-09-07T16:54:36.417

3 To override the contents of files 2019-01-25T13:43:21.600

3 Strange awk syntax: Number with two dots? 2019-04-24T23:26:50.577

2 Removing newlines from an RTF file using sed 2009-07-28T21:08:45.480

2 bash script-fu, way to get text from middle of output (random spots) 2010-07-14T08:21:51.160

2 csv averages on linux command line 2010-07-20T18:55:29.030

2 change the number format 2010-08-10T04:15:26.633

2 awk + cut file between lines from ext ARG 2010-11-03T09:13:53.203

2 Copied directory appears to become larger at destination 2011-01-31T16:53:29.440

2 Rename sets of files based on size 2011-03-10T09:20:47.153

2 Shell: Find and replace word 2011-08-10T04:45:05.200

2 SW to replace a string in Windows 2011-08-19T13:27:54.183

2 Join two lines with awk or sed 2011-09-15T21:22:07.053

2 How do I sort the "/etc/passwd" UIDs? 2011-09-20T14:51:35.350

2 What's the best command to use to change a timestamp to readable date when 'tail -f'-ing a log file? 2011-12-18T14:37:14.673

2 Awk responds differently based on how an empty argument is specified 2012-02-04T02:16:26.240