Extremely slow computer


I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. It takes forever to boot up my computer and it is full of lag. It takes about a whole minute in the loading windows 7 screen, and after logging in (entering password), it takes about another 30 seconds to load up my desktop. I also have a black screen for 10 seconds. I'm completely going crazy with such lag. It lags a bit during use as well. Solution? (Note: It worked really fast when I had Windows 8.1 but I do not like the UI on it).

Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10 GHz RAM: 2 GB System Type: 64 bit.

If you need any other details, please request them in the Comments section.

Abandoned Account

Posted 2014-09-12T12:45:57.093

Reputation: 113

Question was closed 2014-09-16T08:33:29.707

Does this happen when you configured Windows to boot into a minimal configuration? We really need more information. – Ramhound – 2014-09-12T12:52:23.803

@Ramhound I am not sure about all that. Can you guide me on how to check that? I will tell all information you need. – Abandoned Account – 2014-09-12T12:55:12.543

I don't remember doing such a thing though, but I'll update my post with my specs – Abandoned Account – 2014-09-12T12:55:40.813

There are tons of tutorials that explain how to configure Windows in such a state that only the bare minimum applications it normally will start upon user login will be started. – Ramhound – 2014-09-12T13:11:21.753

How do I do that @Ramhound – Abandoned Account – 2014-09-12T13:12:22.400

If you researched how to do what I am asking you would find dozens of tutorials on how to do it. – Ramhound – 2014-09-12T14:45:36.480

capture a boot trace and share it: http://pastebin.com/CYGqRZXE

– magicandre1981 – 2014-09-12T17:26:17.137



Well, without more information I think that the problem could be really simple: The RAM. 2GB of ram are really little for a Windows 7 ultimate especially for a 64bit version. Even Windows says,that 2GB are the minimal requirements to run windows 7 ultimate.

Also Windows 8 needs less RAM than Windows 7 so that would be an explanation why Windows 8 ran better.

I would highly recommend to upgrade your RAM. For the interim you could trim your startup by following this tutorial.


Posted 2014-09-12T12:45:57.093

Reputation: 6 571


Possible solutions (as others have said, without more information a real diagnosis is hard)

  • Needs more RAM (or an OS that requires less) as stated by others.
  • Ensure that you don't have lots of unnecessary processes and programs starting at boot time - even the ones just running in the background that you might not know of.
  • Ensure you don't have a malware infection of any kind (I'd recommend running an AV scan like MSE as well as an active protection scanner like MalwareBytes).


Posted 2014-09-12T12:45:57.093

Reputation: 101