Wireless Network Interface name changes sometime after reboot


On my arch linux machine,for some reason the interface name of my wirless network device sometimes changes from "wlp2s0" to "wlan0". I then have to setup my network manually or restart the computer.

I can't see a pattern when this happens. All I know is that it sometimes happens after rebooting.

  • How can I detect the device name in a systemctl service?
  • How can I set the device name in a systemctl service?
  • How can I figure out why this happpens? Which logfiles should I read?

If you need some more information of my system, please ask in the comment section.


Posted 2014-09-08T18:07:14.827

Reputation: 113

I think you should ask people in the Arch IRC ( #archlinux on irc.freenode.org ) because the feedback loop is much quicker and your question doesn't really fit the question answer style of superuser.com. – FSMaxB – 2014-09-09T21:43:29.820



  • about how you can detect the device name: you can run either ls /sys/class/net or ip link
    • udev is responsible for which device gets which name. Systemd v197 introduced Predictable Network Interface Names, which automatically assigns static names to network devices. Interfaces are now prefixed with en (ethernet), wl (WLAN), or ww (WWAN) followed by an automatically generated identifier, creating an entry such as enp0s25.

This behavior may be disabled by adding net.ifnames=0 in your kernel command line. (source:https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_Configuration)

Hope this helps.


Posted 2014-09-08T18:07:14.827

Reputation: 26