Disconnect from a network share



How do I really disconnect from a network share in Windows 8.1?

I'm familiar with using net use to disconnect from a network share, even if it isn't mapped to a network drive letter:

net use \\server\share /del

However, even after doing so, the folder may remain connected: if I quickly open Windows Explorer and go to \server\share, it connects immediately, without prompting me for a password, and I can do whatever file operations I want in that folder without it ever showing up again in net use's output.

If I use net use /del then leave things alone for 10-15 seconds, then the share appears to really disconnect, so that Windows Explorer prompts for password and takes time to reconnect and so on.

I'm not sure that this is a duplicate of this question; that makes it sound like net use sometimes fails, while my issue is that it appears to work but leaves connections open that it can't see.

Is there a way to really, truly close network share connections, besides net use? Is there a way to see what connections are open that net use isn't telling me about?

(This is using a Windows 8.1 Active Directory domain member as a client and a non-domain member Samba server.)

Josh Kelley

Posted 2014-09-02T19:17:01.207

Reputation: 1 337

1Well, with Windows 7: Remove the connections with net use * /del then restart the Workstation service (may have to close open Explorer windows and files on the share first). This will terminate everything. Also take a look at the Credential Manager in case you want to remove any stored credentials. Not sure how much of this applies to Windows 8. – Jason C – 2015-02-28T02:01:01.293



Run net use * /delete instead. This will remove all share connections, and force you to use a new username/password, unless you're on a domain joined computer

Canadian Luke

Posted 2014-09-02T19:17:01.207

Reputation: 22 162


It sounds like what you're running into is Kerberos credential caching, which refreshes on a timed interval.

Try this, which will disconnect the map, and then purge the Kerberos list:

net use \\server\share /del
klist purge

klist by itself should show you currently active Kerberos 'tickets', that may be used.


Posted 2014-09-02T19:17:01.207

Reputation: 103 763

Interesting. I did not know about klist, but doing klist purge didn't help. (My server is not a domain member, so Kerberos isn't involved, is it?" – Josh Kelley – 2014-09-02T19:45:22.257

Hmm... If you kill the map, and then immediately kill and restart Explorer.exe, does it clear the cached credentials? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2014-09-02T19:50:59.717