Weird phenomenon about my PC's primary & secondary DNS speed



I use DNS Jumper to test the speed of various DNS and this is the result:

(A) Currently Using

Primary: (39 ms)

Secondary: (71 ms)

(B) US Open DNS

Primary: (315 ms)

Secondary: (307 ms)

Theoretically I should stick to setting (A) as they are faster.

But when I use setting (A), access to (a shopping site in mainland China) is extremely slow although still accessible. For other sites around the world they are fast.

I repeated my test many times and it seems that setting (B) is much faster ONLY for .

I cannot understand this. Why is setting (B) faster than (A) when both DNS servers are not down. Isn't DNS just address-lookup? Why setting (B) gives me faster download when the DNS speed test is much slower?

Lawrence L.

Posted 2014-07-25T14:26:20.873

Reputation: 3

There are other DNS servers besides these that might needs to be queried, unless the DNS server has cached the result due to a previous query and the cache entry hasn't expired. These other DNS servers could be the cause. – Steve – 2014-07-25T15:21:22.963

Lawrence, where are you located? I agree with @Steve that there are a multitude of reasons you can get different results from different DNS servers. Caching is a big reason. For instance to really do a good test to compare those different DNS servers you would need to wait until all DNS servers (and your computer, and your router) have dropped it from their cache. – KingOfAllTrades – 2014-07-25T16:50:08.173


I am located in south Thailand.

Today I can access (China) quite fast using setting (A).

Thanks for explaining. I just want to know the theory behind the unusual phenomenon. – Lawrence L. – 2014-07-26T08:53:41.070

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