Mac OS X Mavericks - IconServicesAgent memory usage started to grow (leaks?)


Recently I found that IconServicesAgent began to grow up to 130-200Mb but before it was max 6Mb.. enter image description here

As far as I remeber last things that I was installing were Vagrant and Virtualbox. Not sure that this is connected but anyway somehow it started to grow.


Posted 2014-07-15T12:26:27.100

Reputation: 447



I recently had the same problem, the problem came because I have deleted everything in the /var/folders/ which is an temporary folder, but apparently OS X is depending on a folder inside the tmp folder.

So if you run the following command from Terminal it should go back to normal again (at least that fixed it for me):

mkdir ${TMPDIR}/

See this post: link


Posted 2014-07-15T12:26:27.100

Reputation: 111