Change Default Naming Behavior When Copying Files - Making Revision Versions


In Windows 7, when I copy/paste a file named "project.ext" I want the result to be "project Rev.1.ext". (That part is solved by tweaking the code in this post.) In addition to that, however, I want subsequent copies to be named "project Rev.2.ext", "project Rev.3.ext", etc. (NOT "project Rev.1.Rev.1.ext") This requires somehow recognizing when a file name is already a revision.

I'm basically trying to avoid the minor-yet-nearly-constant hassle of manually renaming every revised file I create.


Posted 11 years ago

Reputation: 213

1To be clear, I will not be making multiple copies of one file. Rather, if "Project.ext" requires changes, I copy the original, update the name with "Rev.1" and make the changes. When subsequent changes are required, I copy the "Rev.1" file and update the name to "Rev.2" before making the new changes. This continues until the file is approved. I need to retain all iterations. – 13ruce – 11 years ago

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