Ethernet issues in Linux mint.


After a hardrive crash I installed mint 17 LTS with many attending woes related to lack of drivers (two of my 8 usb ports can actually recognize devices plugged into them). I'm currently attempting to connect to the internet to download any missing drivers, etc.

So far I've discovered that using DHCP, the network manager would show an interminable "connecting" and then disconnect after a few minutes. I edited my /etc/network/interfaces file to read

auto lo  
iface lo inet loopback  
auto eth0  
iface eth0 inet dhcp

and restarted the network manager. DHCP still did the same thing. I tried configuring the IP address manually using an address which I know is not taken (it was what Windows was configured to use on this machine before the hard drive died) and using Google's public DNS. This yielded progress of a sort: The network manager now claims that I'm connected.
However, I can't access anything in a browser, or even ping my DNS server. The error for that is

host unreachable

After a little googling, I looked at the route command. The output that gave me was:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         UG    0      0        0 eth0     *        U     1      0        0 eth0  

To my (network semi-literate) eye, this all looks good except that the destination IP address is not what I entered in the network manager. I guess I have a two-part question then:
1- Is this discrepancy the cause of the problem? 2- If not, how do I go about finding what is?


Posted 2014-07-03T17:04:06.830

Reputation: 4 084

If your router is dosing out IPs by DHCP them the DHCP client in Mint should pick up an IP. When DHCP was working were you getting a default gateway? Was it your router IP? I'm very surprised that a vanilla Mint install that at least picked up your NIC didn't fully codified it automatically... are there any NIC power settings on Mint? – Kinnectus – 2014-07-03T18:42:48.277

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