Calculating Named Ranges


The spreadsheet contains numerous named ranges. I need to refer to those ranges using VLOOKUP. Here's the kicker, I want to refer to the ranges via a text manipulation. Case. Column A contains list of short dates:

  • JAN 2003
  • MAR 2003
  • FEB 2003

The named ranges are

  • JAN2003
  • FEB2003
  • etc.

I want to refer to the named ranges within VLOOKUP as VLOOKUP("net",JAN2003,2,False). Simple enough; I can set this up and it works fine. But when I try to refer to JAN2003 via a text operation on the Column A list, I get errors.

Instead of the above VLOOKUP formula, I try to use: VLOOKUP("net", LEFT(A4,3)&RIGHT(A4,4),2,False). This produces a #N/A error. The text manipulation returns JAN2003 (the named range) when used separately, but error when used in the VLOOKUP formula.

What am I doing wrong?


Posted 2014-06-19T14:45:12.267

Reputation: 1

wtf, if you mean excel, say excel – barlop – 2014-06-19T14:54:14.763

2That won't work because FEB 2013 as a short date is read as 41306 by Excel, so no match. I don't have time to answer at the moment but try researching INDERECT, that may help – CLockeWork – 2014-06-19T15:57:29.690



You are receiving the #N/A! because the second argument of the VLOOKUP function should be a range, not a string. To get around this, you need to wrap the formula for the name of the range in an INDIRECT function.


INDIRECT converts a textual reference to a range into an Excel range reference.

More information on INDIRECT


Posted 2014-06-19T14:45:12.267

Reputation: 11 857