Internet Explorer Slow throughout whole Network


Currently I'm facing a very strange Behaviour. I know, that Internet Explorer might be slightly slower than it's competitors, but i used to use it for various reasons.

However at the moment it is impossible:

IE is taking VERY long to resolve a hostname. About 30 seconds PER hostname. Loading Facebook with all the foreign servers involved takes about 3 Minutes to finish.

Chrome and Firefox are working as expected - split second.

The strange thing is: The IE Issue does NOT apply for all websites. Some are loading as expected. Pages where i noted this very slow behaviour are:

  • facebook
  • google (starting with the main search page, Search-as-you-type is a nightmare)
  • youtube
  • various MS-Sites like technet, msdna etc.

Strange behaviour continues. This Issues does apply for:

  • IE 11 on Windows 8
  • IE 11 on Windows Server 2012
  • IE 11 on Windows 7
  • DOES NOT APPLY: IE 11 on a Windows 7 Notebook (same Version as the Desktop uses)

it's about the very same set of sites...

Things I tried:

  • Disable Proxy-Auto-Configuration
  • Reset IE.
  • Use Google DNS directly.
  • Restart DNS-Server, Router
  • Fullscan for Maleware
  • Run IE without Addons (Save-Mode)
  • Reinstall IE (add/remove from windows features)

It seems related to the latest Version of Internet Explorer. However, I cannot find something on the internet, neither does it apply for all websites.

At the moment i'm absolutely out of ideas where to start..

ps.: I have my own local DNS server(s), so i first thought, that Chrome and FF might use other DNS servers directly and thats the cause - but even if i completely disable my own DNS Servers, reset the cache and provide the google-dns directly, the issue is present.

I'm pretty sure it's just about the DNS-Resolving. Once a certain hostname responds, downloads are fast as it should be. (but up to 45 seconds to start)

I noted, that Outlook has some troubles connecting to my exchange servers as well... So, it seems like there is some setting -which MS-Products are using - that are slowing progress down...


Posted 2014-06-18T17:00:24.537

Reputation: 133



MS IE likes to follow all security rules where firefox and chrome does not.

This could be due only on https sites, but Try below steps from IE 11.

Tools > Internet Options > Advanced >

Look for Security Uncheck below.

"Check for Publisher's Certificate revocation" "Check for server certificate revocatoin"

Also Go to Tools > Compatibility View Settings Uncheck

"Use Microsoft Compatibility Lists"

Let me know if this helped or not.

Sanjeev Dogra

Posted 2014-06-18T17:00:24.537

Reputation: 166

Bam! Unchecked "Check for Publisher's Certificate revocation" "Check for server certificate revocatoin" and "Enable SmartScreen-Filter" - For now it seems to be about 2000% percent faster! will evaluate... (From time to time it is just "good" without changing anything) and then accept the answer! – dognose – 2014-06-20T21:05:13.470

The mentioned Notebook which does not show this behaviour on IE 11 is part of another domain, where all security settings are disabled by GPO... So it seems like you got a jackpot there. – dognose – 2014-06-20T21:09:12.547

After few days of testing I can confirm: Problems are gone. If i find some time the next days i'll try to reenable those settings one by one to figure out the actual problem. I believe its the cert revocation check. – dognose – 2014-06-25T17:05:50.833