I am experiencing a very strange behavior.
The situation is the following one: I connect to my RaspBerry Pi from my Ubuntu Linux 12.04 using SSH
So I do the following operation: I go into my router web page (at the address, I go into the DHCP Cleint section and here I found that to my RaspBerry Pi is assigned the following ip address, so in the bash I perform the following command:
andrea@andrea-virtual-machine:~$ sudo ssh miner@
[sudo] password for andrea:
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
and how you can see it fail because it can't found a route.
Ok...the very strange thing is that if I perform it again this operation COPYING and PASTING the SAME ip address from the router administration page to my shell, it work
andrea@andrea-virtual-machine:~$ sudo ssh miner@
miner@'s password:
Linux raspberrypi 3.12.20+ #687 PREEMPT Fri May 30 16:39:11 BST 2014 armv6l
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Fri Jun 13 20:39:18 2014 from
miner@raspberrypi ~ $
How is it possible? Why? How can I fix this issue?
you typed the first one and copied the second? – Andrew Crawford – 2014-06-14T08:41:33.970
yes. I typed the first one (when it fail) and copy&paste the second one (when it work fine) – AndreaNobili – 2014-06-14T08:43:37.743
can you paste the router administration ip address to text file then here, i am wondering if the copy is picking up additional details that are hidden – Andrew Crawford – 2014-06-14T08:44:59.700
Do you mean the ip address that I insert in the borwser to access to my router administration panel or what else? So in the first case it is:
– AndreaNobili – 2014-06-14T08:48:40.197no highlight the raspberry pi ip address in the router administration, then copy it and paste it here and to text file liek gedit – Andrew Crawford – 2014-06-14T08:50:27.710
Ok, so I selected the ip address of raspberry into my router administration page, I copyed and I past here: It seems to me that there is no other relevant informations – AndreaNobili – 2014-06-14T08:57:30.170
nope there aint, there was possibility that it might have had extra information, at the moment i cant think of why if i do ill let oyu know – Andrew Crawford – 2014-06-14T08:59:22.773
I'm wondering if (rather than copy/paste) that there is a mechanism on the SSH server (your Pi) that you've turned on that's denying the connection but (for some reason) it then checks again and finds your IP on an allow list. No idea why il this would ever happen but I don't think the fact you're copy/pasting the IP afterwards is the deciding factor in whether it will connect successfully... – Kinnectus – 2014-06-14T09:48:18.423