I have split my PPPoE connection with an Ethernet switch and now I am getting the same speed in both PC simultaneously. why is that?



Not that I am complaining or anything, its just that I am overwhelmed! I have a PC and a laptop and a Netgear 5 port Fast Ethernet Switch. I connected both of my computers to the switch and started seperate downloads from them and voila! I am getting the exact speed that I pay for, for each PC and simultaneously. But why? can someone explain this phenomenon?


Posted 2014-06-10T06:31:20.330

Reputation: 1

Can you give us some numbers? i.e. your line speed, and the observed download rates on each machine? – Flup – 2014-06-10T07:02:37.193

Do you have configured PPPoE client on both computers? Does your ISP allow you to do so? If not, how have you configured sharing connection? – LatinSuD – 2014-06-10T09:40:18.350



Do the two devices make seperate PPPoE connections?

If so then I would guess that your ISP has set a speed limit on each PPPoE connection and didn't put in place any restrictions to stop a customer making multiple PPPoE connections at once or to limit the aggregate bandwidth of multiple connections from the same customer.


Posted 2014-06-10T06:31:20.330

Reputation: 4 587


The only likely explanation of this behavior is that the bottleneck is actually from the downloads source.

Your ISP will only allow up to a certain speed (this may be more than you think) however if you was to find a source that would 'max' out your ISP speed limit then you would definitely see the speed hit on the other machine.


Posted 2014-06-10T06:31:20.330

Reputation: 1 943