How do I set up a bridge on Ubuntu GNOME 14.04


I found a guide for setting up a bridge in Fedora and was trying this:

$ nmcli connection delete p33p1
$ nmcli connection add con-name br0 type bridge ifname br0 autoconnect yes
$ nmcli connection add con-name p33p1 type bridge-slave ifname p33p1 master br0 autoconnect yes

I found that

$ nmcli con delete uuid [uuid here] 

accomplished the first step. nmcli connection does not have an 'add' action in this distribution.

How do I do the 2nd and 3rd steps?

Context: I am trying to set up a virtual machine. I believe this is a necessary step for the VM to access my network and the Internet. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong!


Posted 2014-06-02T15:12:17.730

Reputation: 49



I am almost too embarrassed to post this...

When I first started out, I went to System Settings - Network and found no way there to do anything like this.

This morning, I discovered there is an application under Sundry called Network Connections. This application makes this process SUPER easy and straight forward.

As a Linux newbie, why that is under "sundry" is beyond me...

Info added Jun 5, 2014:

Unfortunately this does not seem to work. Following this guide, and it's subsequent links, it appears that this will not work until network manager --not yet available for Ubuntu.

I have: kernel: 3.13.0-27-generic network manager: libnl3: libnl-3-200 v 3.2.21-1

Here is how I have proceeded:

I use dhcp to get my pc's ip address.

sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

replace everything with:

#tell network manager to leave eth0 alone
iface eth0 inet manual

# enable loopback interface
#auto lo
#iface lo inet loopback

# start bridge on boot
auto br0

#bridge settings

iface br0 inet dhcp
    bridge_ports eth0
    bridge_waitport 0    # no delay before a port becomes available
    bridge_fd 0        # no forwarding delay

sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf

append this:

# Disable netfilter disabled on all bridges
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0

WARNING, you will loose your connection at this step:

Run nm-connection and delete all devices there.


nm-applet in system tray says network is not connected, but it is wrong. try accessing a web page.

This is a work in progress...


Posted 2014-06-02T15:12:17.730

Reputation: 49


Hi I gues this may help.

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet manual

iface eth1 inet manual

auto br0
iface br0 inet dhcp
  bridge_ports eth0 eth1



Prasanna Anbazhagan

Posted 2014-06-02T15:12:17.730

Reputation: 143