putty correct translation on ubuntu 8.04



I use a lot Midnight Commander on a Ubuntu 8.04 machine, through PuTTY. To see correct lines drawn on the screen by mc, which sends line drawing characters in UTF-8, I configure PuTTY's translation as UTF-8. But with this, bmon does not show the correct lines, since bmon sends line drawing characters encoded in Code Page 437.

How can I use just one translation for both, so that they both draw lines correctly?


Posted 2009-11-24T08:55:08.623




I don't use Midnight Commander (mc) or bmon at all, but I took a look at them.

Basically with Putty, I have Window > Translation > Character set received set to UTF-8. Then during my Putty session, envvars are set to TERM=xterm-256color and LANG=en_US.UTF-8, and mc looks correct with line characters. It even works with the mouse, wow! However, bmon has the "lqqqqqk" display problem.

I then installed ncurses-term for the TERM=vt-utf8, and then ran bmon as env TERM=vt-utf8 bmon, and the display looks a bit better with line art. There is some small problem with the close dialog box, though.

I suggest shell aliasing or wrapping your bmon as env TERM=vt-utf8 bmon and leaving your LANG set to humanlang.UTF-8 alone.


Posted 2009-11-24T08:55:08.623

Reputation: 1 611

1some versions of terminfo recognize a "putty" terminal, but i don't know if 8.04 includes that. my Debian Lenny system's /usr/share/terminfo/p/putty came from package ncurses-term version 5.7+20081213-1. – quack quixote – 2010-01-21T21:41:58.783