How can I create pushable remote Mercurial repos that works over SSH?


I have been using git for a while and I use git and ssh. I have couple bare repos on my server which I use to pull and push on multiple computers. Now I want to try Mercurial for some of my projects (non coding projects). I have been looking around for how to do this but so far all have is murky bytes and bits.

How do I create a remote repo that works over SSH and easily pullable and pushable? I want this repo to accept the incoming pushes into master like the way git does. It is going to be my remote central repo , so I do not want to interact with it beside remote pulls and pushes.

It is easy with Git. I just create a bare repo and start pushing to it or pull from it. What is the proper wayu to do it with Hg on Linux? I have a running Ssh server, so this question only deals with the Hg side of things.


yarun can

Posted 2014-04-23T16:06:48.613

Reputation: 800



It's ever easier in Mercurial for single user (with shell-access to repo): just read Shared SSH wiki-page and Creating Repositories Over SSH tip and have remote SSH-repository

Just one note: in Mercurial world ssh://hostname/path/to/repo and ssh://hostname//path/to/repo give you access to repositories in very different locations

Lazy Badger

Posted 2014-04-23T16:06:48.613

Reputation: 3 557