Telnet between two linux machines on Amazon EC2



I am not a networking guy, so I apologize if my question is dumb.

I have two Ubuntu machines setup via Amazon EC2. I need to "talk" from one to the other over port 3000. On my receiving machine, I ran the following from the command-line.

netstat -ntlup | grep 3000

On my client machine, I ran the following from the command-line.

telnet [otherIPAddress] 3000

After some time, the client machine simple displayed:

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out

This would imply that port 3000 is not open on the receiving machine. For that reason, I ran the following command on the receiving machine:

sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 3000

I then tried again and got the same error. I then verified that my security group in EC allowed for incoming traffic on port 3000 over TCP. I still got the same error.

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I really need to be able to telnet between these two machines.

Thank you!


Posted 2014-04-03T17:23:53.920

Reputation: 5

Is telnetd (daemon) running? Anyway why you wouldn't use SSH instead? Telnet is INSECURE. – phoops – 2014-04-03T17:34:19.673

I'm just using Telnet as a quick and dirty test. What's the SSH approach? I'm open to anything. I just need to figure out how to get the connection open between the two machines. – user312840 – 2014-04-03T17:38:28.230

is there anything listening to port 3000 on the server (result of the netstat command)? you can use netcat for that: nc -l 3000 – LinuxDevOps – 2014-04-03T19:06:52.383

When I use netcat, I see no response in the command-line. It just sits there. – user312840 – 2014-04-03T19:30:58.470



This appears to be working as expected however, whatever is running on [otherIPAddress]:3000 is not expecting Hello World\n so it dropped the connection.


Posted 2014-04-03T17:23:53.920
