How to make Excel chart axis start NOT at major unit?


Is it possible to have an Excel chart where the axis does NOT start at the major unit? See the example below, where I want the x-axis to start at the year 2007, but have major unit 5 years and show 2010, 2015 and 2020.

I know you can move the vertical axis using the 'Vertical axis crosses'' setting, but in that case the x-axis is extended to the left of the vertical axis, which is not what I want.

This is what I want:

What I want

This is the best I can do (but not good enough, see the yellow marks):

enter image description here


Posted 2014-04-02T13:41:31.967

Reputation: 7 494

Same problem here!! Another feature missing in Excel. Microsoft only adds flowers for each new version instead of useful features. Microsoft programmers... – Pedro77 – 2017-07-01T15:37:00.533


I don't think the issue was ever adequately resolved, but you may find this helpful.

– Excellll – 2014-04-02T13:52:51.910



The quickest (and I think easiest) way to do this is:

  1. Chart your data as-is (I prefer a scatter/XY chart for this type of chart).
  2. Format your horizontal axis to use 2007 as your Minimum and set Axis Labels to None.
  3. Add a helper column to your data called Labels, set all of your values to =NA(), then set the values you want to label on your axis (2010, 2015, 2020, etc...) to 0. The =NA() points won't plot, but the 0 points will plot on the minimum value, which is also the horizontal axis.
  4. Add your Label data to the chart. You should have a point for each Label.
  5. Format your series for Line and Marker to None (or marker to built-in cross if you want a tick).
  6. Add data labels to your Label series, and format to X Value and position Below.

Here's a sample:

Odd Axis Label Spacing


Posted 2014-04-02T13:41:31.967

Reputation: 8 378

Great example of using a dummy series to replace axis labels. I am sure in a real-world example you aoulw clean up the labels from the real data series ;-). Well done for taking the effort to actually build and screenshot this to show that it works. – AdamV – 2019-07-02T07:13:41.617