Gnus auth with username being prepended to domain


I'm trying to solve the problem of Gnus asking you to type a username which it then prepends to the IMAP domain, i.e. preventing Gnus from making username typed at prompt into

All the guides I've read online specify something like this for setting up login credentials:

Place a line like the following in ~/.authinfo

machine login password your-password port 993

Following that, I added a string that looks like this:

machine login port 993

This gets me good behavior (prompt for password only), but still prepends the whole username to the machine address. Worse, when I try to change something and repeat the login, I get an error Wrong type argument: wholenump, nil.

My gnus.el file has the following for IMAP:

(setq gnus-select-method
      '(nnimap "mymail"
               (nnimap-address "")
               (nnimap-server-port 993)
               (nnimap-stream ssl)))


Posted 2014-03-25T02:11:37.387

Reputation: 1 489

1In my numerous attempts at setting up Wanderlust, I came across something similar with a separate authorization file -- I ended up using something like this directly in my configuration file without needing a separate authorization file -- perhaps the regular gnu email is similar: (setq smtpmail-auth-credentials '(("" 587 "user-name" "password"))) – lawlist – 2014-03-25T05:17:59.727



The prompt is hard-coded in the source (nnimap.el):

(defun nnimap-credentials (address ports user)
  (let* ((auth-source-creation-prompts
          '((user  . "IMAP user at %h: ")
            (secret . "IMAP password for %u@%h: ")))
         (found (nth 0 (auth-source-search :max 1
                                           :host address
                                           :port ports
                                           :user user
                                           :require '(:user :secret)
                                           :create t))))
    (if found
        (list (plist-get found :user)
          (let ((secret (plist-get found :secret)))
        (if (functionp secret)
            (funcall secret)
          (plist-get found :save-function))

So it seems like the only way to change this is to redefine the function and modify the prompt to be just "IMAP password for %u: ".


Posted 2014-03-25T02:11:37.387

Reputation: 2 197

Sorry, I can't read elisp too well, but is this snippet actually appending the whole server to the input username? – bright-star – 2014-03-25T21:46:24.350

1Yes, it is. %u stands for the username, and %h stands for the server hostname. – legoscia – 2014-03-26T12:43:53.210

It seems like the best way to take care of this is to advise the function. How would I go about doing that? (The emacswiki is not so clear about this for more complicated functions.) – bright-star – 2014-04-07T21:23:00.763