Slow down internet without changing router settings


I know some may think this is a dumb question or that what I am looking for is not the right solution, but I really need your help. This is my situation: my younger sister dropped school, and now all she does is being online on her laptop. I don't even see her sleep anymore, all she does is being online, I wouldn't mind if she would do something productive online, but she doesn't. Parents don't even care and I already tried talking to her many times, nothing seems to work. So I want start slowing down her internet connection to encourage her to start doing other activities.

I know I could do this with QoS in the router but my router doesn't have those settings and living in a pretty poor country I really can't afford buying a new one, plus she could use granpa, aunts, or my older sister internet. I tried editing the QoS Bandwidth Reserve Limit on windows (XP), but that didn't have any effect, I enabled it and set it to 90% and restarted the computer and the speed is the same. Also tested 3 or 4 softwares I found on google but they are all pretty obvious, they keep an icon on the systray and it's easy to notice them.

I need something like a registry hack, or a process that wont show a tray icon or window, or maybe some startup script that would try to download (and then delete) a (or multiple) temp file like those from, enough to slow down internet so youtube and online games are not usable anymore. She connects only via wifi and uses windows XP.

Does someone knows a software or a solution for this? (please reply only the tech aspect, not the family issue)

Thanks in advance.


Posted 2014-03-23T03:41:16.753

Reputation: 1

We really don't need the backstory. Just ask what you want to do remove everything else. QoS really isn the only solution for what you want. Everything else ( software ) can be modified by the user. – Ramhound – 2014-03-23T03:45:38.577

What model router ? – davidgo – 2014-04-04T07:37:06.503



You can turn on automatc updates.This will use your internet and probably slow down your speed.


Posted 2014-03-23T03:41:16.753

Reputation: 21