How to show TCP listenings and filter them by local IP on Windows?


Server has numerous IP addresses, set up on it's network interface.

How to find, who is listening to specific IP port 80?

netstat shows very long list. Are there any builtin means?


Also can't use findstr with also wishing to know process name because brocess name is displayed on separate line.


Posted 2014-03-10T07:05:52.007

Reputation: 8 464

Question was closed 2014-03-18T18:52:42.090

Are built-ins required? gnuwin32 tools have the basic core utils for unix ported for windows and can easily parse the output (eg grep with -A or -B). – MaQleod – 2014-03-10T22:37:55.327



one way is to run:

netstat -o 

should help make the list a little shorter

or to be even more specific you can probably run

netstat -aon | findstr :80 

powershell might be needed.


Posted 2014-03-10T07:05:52.007

Reputation: 338