Computer on home network resolves host name to different IP addresses


I have a computer on my home network that is also accessible from the internet through a dyndns host name. When I am at home, I need the host name for my machine to resolve to an IP on my local network (10.0.1.X), and when I am away from home, it is resolved to the IP that is confogured on DYNDNS.

I set up a host record on my TomatoUSB router, which looks like this: host-record=XXX,,

When I am at home, and I ping the machine, it correctly resolves to - for a minute or two, then it starts resolving to the internet IP address (dyndns) - which of course doesnt work anymore because its the WAN address of my modem.

Why is this happening?



Posted 2014-02-28T20:32:42.427

Reputation: 183

Is the computer setup to use the home router as it's DNS server? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2014-02-28T21:13:06.220

Yes - it gets the router IP through DHCP. The initial DNS queries are mapped correctly by the dnsmasq... its only after a minute or so that it reverts to the internet IP... – Adam – 2014-03-02T01:56:30.443



Run nslookup, assuming that this is your router IP address. If it keeps responding correctly, the problem may be related to your computer DNS configuration.


Posted 2014-02-28T20:32:42.427

Reputation: 604