Pinging local machine with external IP


On a Gentoo server,

I am trying to wget or curl a page from its url:


(I can get result for this url from my browser)

All I receive is Timeout.

With cUrl I get this error:

couldn't connect to host

So I tried to ping the server ip public IP

 PING EXTERNAL_IP (EXTERNAL_IP) 56(84) bytes of data.

And no more output no problem with 'ping localhost'

< edit >

Details on My config:

The external IP is configured on the eth0 interface in the 'inet adr' section,

The DNS are hosted by the hosting provider, no on the server itself, but I have a Bind Server with correct record on the server (automatic configuration for this type of dedicated servers)

I am pinging on IP (numbers) not domain name (btw same problem with domain name)

< /edit >

Is there special conf to allow this to work ?


Posted 2014-02-24T13:26:27.913

Reputation: 111

2Is the external IP assigned to an interface on the same machine? Or is something like NAT involved? – Daniel B – 2014-02-24T13:32:11.177

3WHich machine is internal? Are you using an IP or a domain name? Are you using a local host name? Please clarify. – terdon – 2014-02-24T13:51:32.173

1"Is there special conf to allow this to work?" Yes... Firewall for one. If NAT is involved, port forwarding. If you're not on a static IP, dynamic DNS. Oh, and DNS. Do you have the domain set up and do you have correct DNS records? The list goes on. You need more detail. – Tanner Faulkner – 2014-02-24T15:38:03.013

Edited the question – JeannotLapin – 2014-02-24T17:13:44.280

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