CHEAPEST AND EASIEST FIX. Slip a RUBBER BAND all the way under the plug clip if the locking plasticclip is cracked but not broken off. The rubber band will lift the inner non-broken part of the clip just enough for you to hear or feel the click when it locks in place. You can remove the plug by pressing down on the clip and rubber band as usual.
This works for a SEMI-PERMANENT FIX, in case you rarely re-insert the plug, to avoid having the cable plug annoyingly disengage when you accidently move the cable or router, especially when you are unaware of it.
4The "head" is called a plug. It's not repairable. The broken plug can be cut off, and a new plug installed. But you would need a special crimp tool. – sawdust – 11 years ago
6In a lot of cases it doesn't matter. If there is nothing tugging on the cable it will usually stay in place pretty well, even if the latch is broken. Or if there's a computer repair place in town they will probably replace the end for a few bucks. – Daniel R Hicks – 11 years ago
If it helps, my ethernet plug (RJ45) broke like this also, and i wedged in a small amount of blu-tac (on the top of the plug where your lug has broken off) to hold the plug in place. This was only meant to be a temporary measure to help hold it into the network card socket until I got to the shop and bought a replacement cable, but this was 2 years ago now and it's still held in place :) – flauntster – 11 years ago
What I used to do when this happened was get some blutac and squeeze a bit of it in there so it would stick. – uSeRnAmEhAhAhAhAhA – 11 years ago
1I've attempted to clean it up a bit. Note that we normally don't like shopping/product-rec type questions (especially 'where is it cheapest' type), but I believe asking if it's fixable at all (with the alternative being buying a replacement) should be acceptable. – Bob – 11 years ago