How do I change my username on Windows 8? Or get around this?


My username on my computer is BreeBreeBRAN™

I'm trying to make a batch file to delete the firefox temp folder and run it as a task on startup. So my batch is

cd C:\Users\BreeBreeBRAN™\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles RMDIR 5bngz3ew.default /S /Q

But it keeps saying the path cant be found. Even though I didnt even type it I copied it right out of windows explorer. I read this Change Win 8 Username But even after I renamed it and rebooted my pc the path is still C:\Users\BreeBreeBRAN™\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles

If I can't rename my user then can I at least make this batch file recognize ascii? Because whenever I put the ™ intot he batch file the output is always

C:\Users\BreeBreeBRANT\Desktop>cd C:\Users\BreeBreeBRANÖ\ The system cannot find the path specified.

C:\Users\BreeBreeBRANT\Desktop>pause Press any key to continue . . .

It always recognizes the ™ as a T and when I actually write out the ™ it recognizes it as Ö. Any ideas?

I also tried going to control panel > Users > Change account name

I could just put the batch in that directory, but I still have another problem then. I'm trying to use the batch in task scheduler to delete firefox temp files every time I log in. But when I tell the task the path to the batch file it says file not found. I'm guessing the trademark symbol in my username is the cause of that too.


Posted 2014-01-05T02:53:47.413

Reputation: 1



The short name for the BreeBreeBRAN™ folder maust be BREEBR~1. Try to use that.


Posted 2014-01-05T02:53:47.413

Reputation: 579


You can use the environment variable for the user's temp directory like so:

rmdir %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles\5bngz3ew.default /Q /S

Why not just change the settings in Firefox to clean up when closed?


Posted 2014-01-05T02:53:47.413

Reputation: 1 494

I didnt even know there was a setting to do that. Where is it? Nevermind I found it. But it only says clear history when firefx closes. That still leaves the cookies and cache behind. – user286891 – 2014-01-05T03:07:40.947

Settings > Privacy > Use Custom Setting for History > Select what you want :-)


– megamorf – 2014-01-05T03:13:32.740


Use the Windows Easy Transfer feature to backup all settings of your current account, create a new user with the correct name, log into this account, restore the data from the Windows Easy Transfer and delete the old account.


Posted 2014-01-05T02:53:47.413

Reputation: 86 560