Can I access a NAS through a bridged connection?


I plan to buy a NAS, but I do not have access to the wireless router at my house (I'm renting a room). Can I connect the NAS to the ethernet port on my desktop, then create a network bridge between the ethernet and wireless adapter, and access it as I normally would if it were connected to the router?

I intend to connect to the NAS from other devices as well as the Desktop the NAS will be connected to. Would this require more configuration than the simple bridge?

I suppose I can just pull out my own router and connect to that when I want to use the NAS, though being able to access the NAS from Internet would be nice...


Posted 2014-01-02T15:50:19.803

Reputation: 111

Why do you need to create a bridge connection? Do you have other devices that will need to access NAS or only your desktop? – Vladimir Oselsky – 2014-01-02T21:04:57.093



Yes but you will have to use a "cross-over" cable.

You could also use a switch and manually assign the IP addresses


Posted 2014-01-02T15:50:19.803

Reputation: 1 931

This is not necessarily true. Almost all modern networking hardware is auto-sensing in that it can determine the type of cable connected to it and configure itself accordingly. – UtahJarhead – 2014-01-03T14:41:48.540