I have several roommates who split my internet bill with me each month. On occasion they forget to pay me, and I have to pester them for the money.
If after 3 days of pestering they still haven't paid, I create a firewall rule in my unix based router that blocks traffic to their mac address. This proves to be very effective at getting delinquent roommates to pony up the cash.
How could I automate the adding / removing of a mac address to a firewall rule on the 3rd of every month? I'd like a simple way to unblock them for the rest of the month once they pay.
I'm currently using pfsense. While there is a captive portal module, it doesn't support regulating access per user / per month.
How could I automate blocking/unblocking roommate internet access?
14What you're doing right now sounds like the most efficient way about it -- I can't imagine a captive portal solution being anything more than complete overkill. If anything, you could make a simple shell script to automate the rule adds themselves. – NReilingh – 11 years ago
8MAC address are very, very, easy to change and should not be used to form any measure of security. Windows requires one registry edit. Linux requires one command. With one command in Linux he could even copy your MAC address. Seems to me that a better solution would be automate a password change once a month. Restrict access based on your knowledge rather than his lack of there of. – Mark Lopez – 11 years ago
@MarkLopez, you brought up very good point. On my opinion it highly depends on users' education. If roommates are geeks like you - than more serious protection actions must be taken. If roommates are average Windows/Facebook/YouTube users I would be complete happy with MAC address based security. It is highly possible that when you say "MAC address" for them it is same thing as I can build a GUI in Visual Basic and track an IP Address
– VL-80 – 11 years ago3@Nikolay you're right, MAC address changing might be a more advance topic. However, I just wanted to stress that for reference by our posterity - MAC filtering is unreliable. Additionally, MAC filtering in most cases is not the best solution. I want to displace the numerous tutorials online that say MAC filtering is a good security practice. – Mark Lopez – 11 years ago
For just regulating roommates, mac address spoofing is a very low risk. – spuder – 11 years ago
Keep it on the down low that you're using MAC addresses, again, they're easily spoofed if one knows what their doing. – MDT Guy – 11 years ago
Most of my roommates are not technologically savvy. If they did change their mac, I'd figure it out pretty quickly because I'd notice that they aren't paying, but are still using the internet. – spuder – 11 years ago
Yeah, it really sounds like a captive portal would be overkill... – MDT Guy – 11 years ago
Based on your EDIT. What should happen if they pay you late - on 5-th day, etc ? Should "block day" be moved on 5-th of the next month or it should stay 3-rd? – VL-80 – 11 years ago
The block day won't move. The bill is due on the same day every month. – spuder – 11 years ago
6Bear in mind, everyone, this is a ROOMMATE situation. Instead of trying to block their addresses by MAC, @spuder, I would recommend that you ALLOW only your MAC addresses, and exclude all others. If you have 4 devices then you only allow those. All other MAC addresses (even spoofed) would be excluded. Remember this ONLY an apartment, right? Then, when your sly roomies try to MAC addy spoof... and it doesn't work... you smile. Remember kids: Sometimes it pays to "invert" your thinking... – leo of borg – 11 years ago
And: You can then ask the more responsible roomies 'who pay on time' for their MAC addresses, made a 'preferred pool'... etc. This also cuts unwanted guests from MAC spoofing you as well. – leo of borg – 11 years ago
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Upside-Down-Ternet yet. Way more fun then just blocking.
– SQB – 11 years agoI can't help but imagine Dwight writing this question. ;) How is rent paid, and are any of your room mates not using the internet? I find it's better to handle all monthly bills as a lump sump when it comes to paying for things together rather than chasing everyone for electricity, internet, rent, etc. Even better if it can just be set up as a bank standing order. – Ryan Williams – 11 years ago
1It is student housing. The utilities are included in the rent and are paid individually at the front desk of the apartment complex. The internet is google fiber which is in my name. It is the only bill that is split. – spuder – 11 years ago
Cisco Meraki products offer billing systems built right in. You could make them sign up for a plan that worries about making sure they pay you on its own. https://kb.meraki.com/knowledge_base/billing-splash-page-and-sign-in-prompts
– PsychoData – 11 years ago2Can anyone pair this down to...just websites your kids shouldn't visit before they have their homework done :-D – leeand00 – 11 years ago
Can you negotiate an agreement with the complex to have them also handle the internet payments? Even if it's just paying it to you? – Ryan Williams – 11 years ago
No they won't go for that because they have 500 tenants to keep track off. – spuder – 11 years ago
Looks like lifehacker found this question http://lifehacker.com/how-can-i-shut-off-internet-service-for-my-deadbeat-roo-1523049434
– spuder – 11 years agoWow. I was wondering why so suddenly I got 5 up votes from old question... – VL-80 – 11 years ago