Sharing: Give mobile device homegroup access (but no more than that)


I'm accessing shared files on a windows 7 machine from an android.

This seems to be the recommended approach: How to Add an Android Phone or Tablet to a Homegroup in Windows 7 and Windows 8 and Share files between Android and Windows with ES File Explorer.

Basically from the file explorer in my android I can see my computer. I then can log on using my windows username and password and see all the files that are shared with me ("User: Me; Permission Level: (owner)").

I can see folders that are shared with "me" rather than home-group. I can't seem to unshare folders with "me" using windows explorer, I suspect all Libraries folders (documents, pictures etc) have to be shared with "me".

Question: (Android and Windows) This there any way to connect with only home-group level permissions?

Secondary question: (Windows) Is there any way to unshare Libraries from "me" (the owner) or, even better, is there a way of forbidding this remote access so that the only way to access with "me" permission is to physically be at the computer?

Nathan Cooper

Posted 2013-12-30T17:03:54.723

Reputation: 197

2What about creating a dummy user, which will be sharing with the android device, so that everything shared to that dummy user is accessible to the android device, but no more? – DrakaSAN – 2013-12-30T17:08:26.773

It's a good idea, as far as my main question goes. I suspect that you might be suggesting the only real way, but it's not at all tidy. I'm still quite interested in how I might limit sharing to remote users who know the machine's windows login info without cutting off home-group. – Nathan Cooper – 2013-12-30T17:18:47.147

Te dummy user can be in the home group, you just need to be careful on what is shared to the home-group, or am I misinterpreting? – DrakaSAN – 2013-12-30T21:49:30.830

Not at all. Thanks for your suggestion it really is a good one. – Nathan Cooper – 2013-12-30T21:55:59.593

1I ll add this as answer, so you can close the question if nobody come with a better solution. I ll go in more details to be more generic. – DrakaSAN – 2013-12-30T21:59:36.787



As said in comment:

Create a dummy user, which is in the home-group, so that the device cannot access directly the computer (you can remove almost all right it have, at least don t make it administrator).

Better would be a group for it and the main user only so you can choose what to share in a easier way.

If you add it in the home-group, just be careful in what in shared in the homegroup and what is not, so it cannot access something else without physical access.


Posted 2013-12-30T17:03:54.723

Reputation: 370