Show thumbnails in Mac terminal?


Some time ago I've googled nice screenshot of Mac terminal

enter image description here

How it can be possible? Special terminal application or special settings of ls?


Posted 2013-12-23T01:18:26.033

Reputation: 19 395

5That looks like a Linux terminal window that just happens to be running on Apple hardware. This is likely not possible with the built-in OS X Terminal application. – NReilingh – 2013-12-23T01:51:46.453



This appears to be a terminal emulator running on a Linux machine sshd into an OS X box. E.g.: terminology


Posted 2013-12-23T01:18:26.033

Reputation: 378


This is not possible with the native Terminal app on Apple OS X.

Your screenshot looks like it is from an Ubuntu box running gnome-terminal.


Posted 2013-12-23T01:18:26.033

Reputation: 303


It's ubuntu, not Mac OS. Didn't you see the terminal background color? It's default terminal background color of ubuntu.

He just changed the hostname by command hostname dennis-MacBookPro.

Nice prank!


Posted 2013-12-23T01:18:26.033

Reputation: 1 334

Not necessarily. You could still be logged into an OS X machine via SSH. – slhck – 2013-12-23T16:45:58.340