Tag: ls

1422 How can I sort the output of 'ls' by last modified date? 2009-04-09T13:17:20.547

188 How to have Linux ls command show second in time stamp 2011-11-09T00:47:57.773

167 What does the asterisk mean after a filename when you type `ls -l`? 2010-08-21T20:21:57.210

163 ls-command: how to display the file size in megabytes? 2010-09-20T11:20:48.627

161 On OS X, why does `sudo ls` show hidden (dot) files? 2015-06-23T15:36:05.113

96 How to sort first directories then files etc… when using “ls” in Unix 2010-02-16T13:13:29.423

84 What does the @ mean on the output of "ls" on OS X' terminal? 2010-06-22T17:57:23.017

83 Icon? file on OS X desktop 2011-06-18T03:43:05.197

73 How do I get ls --color=auto to work on Mac OS X? 2010-09-02T14:53:59.177

53 How to list folders using bash commands? 2011-09-14T08:27:35.687

48 How to make `ls` color its output by default, without setting up an alias? 2013-10-25T12:46:58.087

46 How can I make "ls" show dotfiles first? 2012-07-13T00:57:28.407

44 The command 'ls -d' is not displaying directories. Is there a way to get 'ls' to only display directories instead of files and directories? 2011-10-10T08:44:47.770

37 How can I list only non-empty files using ls? 2010-09-23T12:39:44.753

33 Why does the `ls` command sort files like this? 2019-08-26T21:06:51.320

31 How to diff file names in two directories (without writing to intermediate files)? 2011-01-04T00:21:26.803

25 How do I interpret the results of the `ls -l` command? 2010-08-04T11:56:12.217

23 ls -la symbolics... what does that last symbol mean? 2009-11-06T12:53:18.350

23 Why ls and du show different size? 2010-01-11T07:35:56.117

22 What is the meaning of 'T' in the execution permissions of a directory? 2009-12-23T19:25:02.390

21 Tell `ls` to print only the base filename 2010-01-19T19:04:20.637

20 How do I limit the number of displayed lines through ls? 2011-03-30T12:59:54.810

20 What is the magic separator between filenames in ls output? 2012-05-14T10:31:39.163

19 Show both ctime and atime in ls output 2011-01-17T07:42:45.247

18 What does the @ in ls -al mean? 2009-12-24T22:20:18.117

18 How to use wildcards with ls without listing directory contents? 2011-07-05T19:54:11.470

18 What does the first dash mean in an ls -l output? 2016-08-30T14:57:37.123

17 Recursive ls with conditions 2011-02-15T14:05:39.567

17 What does the number after Unix/Linux file permissions like "-rw-rw-r--. 1 " mean in "ls -l" output 2012-09-21T09:56:17.043

17 what does it mean a red filename shown with black background? 2013-01-29T13:31:16.863

16 ls -rt (How to list just THE LAST file? e.g. for: | xargs gnome-open) 2010-10-09T07:57:11.650

14 How to list files by file owner in Unix command? 2011-10-13T16:01:14.160

14 how to list all files and directories in given directory with full path but not recursive? 2012-04-26T17:10:06.457

14 List file range with UNIX wildcards 2013-04-25T20:15:33.537

13 How to list files recursively and sort them by modification time? 2012-04-24T18:37:09.113

12 Making ls aware of "hidden" file flag 2011-05-30T19:22:05.033

12 Vi can write to file despite file being read-only 2015-04-13T05:57:58.923

12 Bash: ls * without folder grouping 2015-06-18T10:04:12.457

11 ls | grep | rm -- How to format this command? 2011-01-31T20:33:14.090

11 How to physically reorder files `03.mp3 01.mp3 02.mp3` (`ls -f`) in a directory? 2012-01-01T19:38:49.453

11 Linux: ls -l prints only question marks: 2013-01-05T09:36:58.460

11 What does third symbol in "rw-" file mode mean in OS X ls manual page? 2015-06-24T09:03:46.603

10 How to find all soft links (symbolic links) in current directory? 2009-11-16T10:44:35.260

10 Ubuntu's ls can show unicode characters, but tree cannot, even with tree --charset unicode 2010-06-27T01:50:21.963

10 How to `ls` a remote folder? 2011-09-18T21:03:20.283

10 ls version number sorting Mac OS X 2011-10-24T12:30:33.117

9 what is the @ after the permissions for in ls -l on a mac? 2009-08-26T20:01:54.280

9 How can I sort ls by owner and group? 2010-05-14T09:01:33.353

8 How to display the file contents recursively? 2013-01-10T14:53:22.710

8 How to color output columns of ls? 2018-02-13T23:39:15.483

7 How can I get colors with "ls -l | more"? 2011-10-05T11:18:27.853

7 Linux 'ls' - what does the * mean? 2011-12-20T19:42:18.833

7 is there a way to read the cumulative size of all files in a folder? 2012-05-10T15:08:09.927

7 Is there a tail -f equivalent for ls? 2012-06-20T08:50:16.373

7 How do I `cd` and then* `ls` automatically in linux? 2012-11-17T13:45:29.557

7 Recursively list full absolute path of files with permissions in Linux 2013-05-14T15:14:04.430

7 How to display file details (size, date, etc.) from Linux “locate” command? 2013-05-19T12:11:28.720

7 Always run a command after another command 2013-05-30T00:25:15.640

7 How to use GNU parallel with gunzip 2013-06-07T23:13:23.370

7 What is the modification date ls reports for directories in Bash shell? 2014-02-04T11:18:22.530

7 Why does ls wrap some filenames in single quotes? 2018-11-18T01:11:21.860

6 Pass the output of ls to diff 2010-01-27T13:47:30.213

6 How to sort ls by column in Ubuntu via piping to sort? 2010-10-07T12:50:42.870

6 Run an ls without getting the full path 2010-11-11T15:58:03.493

6 How to turn off --classify option in ls command? 2010-12-09T22:17:52.260

6 Is there a straightforward way to color ls output according to Finder label colors in macOS? 2011-06-09T18:18:41.263

6 Can `ls` be set to only list the first X files/directories? 2014-12-20T01:17:49.547

6 Linux: How could a directory be created without "." and ".."? 2015-08-18T01:37:44.937

5 How to display only Permissions and file names using ls command? 2010-10-18T13:40:23.000

5 Filter ls output based on file size 2011-05-16T18:42:04.153

5 ls sorted from right to left 2011-11-24T05:21:41.947

5 What is the + at the end of Unix permissions in a long listing format? 2012-03-10T17:54:18.240

5 What is user/owner 24561? 2012-07-03T20:12:57.253

5 How come the ls command prints in multiple columns on tty but only one column everywhere else? 2012-11-27T19:59:24.443

5 How to make ls command not show Icon? files? 2012-12-12T01:49:11.070

5 Why does `ls` without any arguments (only flags) give me "no such file or directory"? 2013-01-16T14:58:22.253

5 Linux shows several folders with the exact same name 2013-06-03T06:01:11.527

5 How to rename multiple files in a directory in some pattern in Linux? 2013-07-01T03:30:48.643

5 How can I make “ls” show dotfiles first and preserve unicode filenames? 2013-07-23T08:37:32.077

5 Ignore NTUSER.DAT files when ls on Git Bash? 2013-09-25T20:28:15.650

5 List files of folder page by page with LS command 2013-11-29T13:57:16.173

4 Listing everything else than *{.tex, .aux} by ls 2009-08-30T19:09:51.480

4 How to change the default --color preference for "ls' on Windows? 2009-10-14T16:24:29.297

4 directory listing on Mac OS X 2010-02-04T07:21:49.513

4 What does the + mean in the output of "ls -l"? 2010-10-12T18:51:51.330

4 In ls, how can I remove bg color for sticky bit 2011-04-19T10:14:37.263

4 List files beginning with underscores first when using `ls -l` 2011-08-03T13:29:21.617

4 How to filter files with specific permissions or attributes while running ls? 2012-03-03T14:22:05.467

4 in shell how can I tell the difference between a directory and a file 2012-04-08T23:29:49.997

4 Get the last file name in a variable in bash? 2013-12-12T16:51:24.667

4 Finding the newest file in a directory with a million files 2014-05-20T11:43:09.220

4 Is it possible to move last modified files using ls, tail and mv? 2014-09-10T05:30:45.413

4 Why doesn't ls show the group name? 2014-09-17T18:56:39.147

4 Why does the ls command require a dash before its parameters but for tar command, the dash is optional? 2014-11-25T21:36:03.120

3 ls in cmd window gives one hour off time 2010-02-15T09:45:04.707

3 Is there a tool on Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows, Ubuntu, that will list file / directory structure? 2010-06-27T00:46:54.807

3 How to recursively list all files with timestamps and full path? 2011-01-03T11:22:22.197

3 How to remove the @ / extended metadata of a file? 2011-05-16T09:08:58.933

3 what does the First character (number) mean in ls -l on OSX Snow Leopard? 2011-05-22T16:56:14.150