How to list hosts on the current network without knowing the subnet in advance?



The following 2 questions have been useful for finding hosts on a target network:


However, answers in both questions assume I know the network address and mask (subnet, I guess?) in advance (,, etc).

How can I find hosts on any/all connected networks without specifying the subnet in advance? I know I can list the network devices using ip address show (Arch Linux), ifconfig (*nix, OS X), or ipconfig (Windows) depending on the operating system.

Furthermore, Is there a reliable way to do it across operating systems? From Linux to OS X to Windows?

Ehtesh Choudhury

Posted 2013-12-18T02:18:19.810

Reputation: 1 330

You listed all the tools you need already. ifconfig/ipconfig would be the way to get the IP/subnet mask across all networks, and you can filter it down with batch/bash, but you'd likely need something like python or perl to manage the return strings and run them through nmap. The basic answer is to use a scripting language. – MaQleod – 2013-12-18T03:06:01.363

Drat, I was hoping to take the easy way out and find an already finished implementation. I also didn't think it was normal for parsing ifconfig/ipconfig input. I was hoping to drive something like netsh on Windows. – Ehtesh Choudhury – 2013-12-18T03:17:02.093



For a cross-platform solution that will work on any system that Nmap works on, use Nmap's --iflist argument:

./nmap --iflist

Starting Nmap 6.41SVN ( ) at 2013-12-18 04:55 UTC
DEV     (SHORT)   IP/MASK                TYPE     UP   MTU   MAC
eth0    (eth0)           ethernet up   1500  F2:3C:DE:AD:BE:B8
eth0    (eth0)    2001:db8::dead:beef/64 ethernet up   1500  F2:3C:91:AE:FC:B8
eth0    (eth0)    fe80::dead:beef/64     ethernet up   1500  F2:3C:91:AE:FC:B8
lo      (lo)            loopback up   65536
lo      (lo)      ::1/128                loopback up   65536

DST/MASK                DEV  METRIC GATEWAY            eth0 0               eth0 100
::1/128                 lo   0
2001:db8::dead:beef/128 lo   0
fe80::dead:beef/128     lo   0
2001:db8::/64           eth0 256
fe80::/64               eth0 256
ff00::/8                eth0 256
::/0                    eth0 1024   fe80::1

At this point, it becomes a matter of parsing out the info you want. Probably you are looking for something under ROUTES, but be sure you don't scan localhost!


Posted 2013-12-18T02:18:19.810

Reputation: 1 563

--iflist is cool, I didn't notice that option. – Ehtesh Choudhury – 2013-12-18T17:35:22.287