Precising if statement in awk


Is that possible to precise conditions in "if" statement? Let's take an example from my previous post (by the way, "k" variable is tricky, thanks terdon;)) and say that I'm looking for $i which starts from two capital letter, after that we have 2 digits, other letters/digits are not important and lenght of the word which I'm looking for is not constant (in example: AB12asdf or HR56Ame4).

awk '{k=0; for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){

        if ($i=="ABC"){print $(i-2); k++}
       if(k==0){print "No ABC in line",NR}
 }' file.txt




Posted 2013-11-26T19:31:03.663

Reputation: 47

You can be as precise as the condition you write matches on. /^[[:upper:]][[:upper:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]/ will match two upper-case letters followed by two digits. – Etan Reisner – 2013-11-26T19:47:08.030



Use the ~ regex-match operator

if ($i ~ /^[[:upper:]][[:upper:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]/)

glenn jackman

Posted 2013-11-26T19:31:03.663

Reputation: 18 546