Is there a trickle-like tool to set IP ToS?



I've set up my router to traffic shape using the ToS field, but not all bandwidth-heavy programs set an appropriate value. So I need a way to set the ToS for the traffic of an arbitrary program.

Is there a tool that would work like trickle but set ToS instead of a bandwidth limit, so that I could launch programs using it to have them shaped on the router? Or some other way to manage the ToS of a program's traffic without cooperation from that program?


  • Must be transparent to the program, not require any modification to it.
  • Must not depend on a particular port: both programs that use many ports and programs that share a port with others should be usable independently.


Posted 2013-11-22T10:34:22.283

Reputation: 353



What about something like:

iptables -I OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp --sport ssh -j TOS --set-tos Minimize-Delay


Posted 2013-11-22T10:34:22.283

Reputation: 238

I'm not proficient with using iptables, but I think that affects all traffic to a given port? My use case requires it to affect some programs that generate traffic to multiple ports, and some that use port 80 which the browser also uses. – otus – 2013-12-06T19:54:15.940