netstat reports a pid that tasklist cannot find



I was trying out cygwin lighttpd and got the error

can't bind to port: 80 Address already in use

I used netstat to find out which process is using it:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -ao | findstr ":80"
  TCP             OAKN00511461A:0        LISTENING       2364

But tasklist cannot find the process!

C:\WINDOWS\system32>tasklist /fi "PID eq 2364"
INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria.

I rechecked that netstat continues to report the same process:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -ao | findstr ":80"
  TCP             OAKN00511461A:0        LISTENING       2364

Any suggestion how I can get details of the process and more importantly, kill it?


It turned out to be the previously started lighttpd process, but tasklist does not seem to report it

Miserable Variable

Posted 2013-11-18T21:09:02.733

Reputation: 759

What does give you in a browser :) – Rik – 2013-11-18T21:53:04.793

It gave 404. A little while after posting the question I realized it was lighttpd itself. But I reverified that tasklist does not list the lighttpd process. Something to check – Miserable Variable – 2013-11-19T00:12:09.727

does tasklist list processes started by other users? – David Dai – 2013-11-19T00:42:35.687

I think so...pretty sure I ran tasklist as administrator. Besides, I ran nc in my bash window which showed up in tasklist. – Miserable Variable – 2013-11-19T02:39:45.657

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